Having proper file naming and folder structures in place makes it easy to find images, see key information at a glance, and ensure that images do not get confused by having a duplicate filename of another photo. It also enables us to sync your JPG files to their RAW counterparts so that image handling can […]
Category: Photographer Accounts
Using FileZilla Pro to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket (FTP)
Using FileZilla Pro to access a project is easy! Simply download FileZilla Pro here and input the registration key we have provided to you. In order to connect to a project folder, follow these simple steps: Uploading:When you have connected to the bucket, you’ll see folders for your images. Simply drag and drop your stills […]
I can’t log in
You can log into your Image Approvals account by visiting app.imageapprovals.com and using the credentials provided to you in your Welcome Pack. If your username and password are not working, firstly, please ensure that if you are copying and pasting the password from your Welcome Pack that there are no spaces before or after it. […]
What are .XMP files?
.XMP files (extensible metadata platform) are an industry-standard format for holding additional data about your files. This can include things like edits which have been applied to the raw file or metadata information such as captions and star ratings. If you or your photographer have done any editing to the image’s raw file, or added any […]
How to rename images in bulk using Bulk Rename Utility.
If you are already familiar with Adobe Bridge or Lightroom, then you can use either of these to rename your files and this guide will let you know how. Bridge and Lightroom are great for simple naming adjustments and allow you to see the images you are renaming, and automatically apply any new names for […]
Protected: User Guide: how to upload your images to the platform
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How to add, remove and edit actor tags
Editing multiple tags at a time If you have an admin or photographer account and you’ve made a typo, or need to change tags in bulk, follow these simple steps. If you have a front-end only account, then skip to here. Log in to https://api.imageapprovals.com/ Navigate to the production you need to alter your tags […]
How to quickly convert RAW files to JPGS
If you haven’t already, download your free version of Adobe Bridge – you will need this in order to convert your images using the method below. (See why you should use the perfect duo of Image Approvals and Bridge here.) This guide will show you how to create low res JPGs from RAW files. To […]