How to quickly convert RAW files to JPGS

If you haven’t already, download your free version of Adobe Bridge – you will need this in order to convert your images using the method below. (See why you should use the perfect duo of Image Approvals and Bridge here.) This guide will show you how to create low res JPGs from RAW files. To […]

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Adobe Bridge: Star Ratings and Labels

If you haven’t already, download your free version of Adobe Bridge and see why you should use the perfect duo of Image Approvals and Bridge here. Star ratings and labels are a great way to easily identify individual images within a group. For instance, you might have 1,000 photos and want to mark some as Behind the Scenes, some […]

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Adobe Bridge User Guide

Adobe Bridge is the perfect partner software to Image Approvals and you can now download it for FREE direct from Adobe. Check out the links below to see our handy tips and guides on simplifying and speeding up your workflow! Top tips for publicists: Top tips for stills photographers:

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