Using FileZilla Pro to access a project is easy! Simply download FileZilla Pro here and input the registration key we have provided to you.

In order to connect to a project folder, follow these simple steps:

  • Launch FZP and click File > Site Manager and click New Site, then select S3 Amazon from the dropdown protocol menu.
  • Input the Host, Port, Access Key and Secret Access Key information we have provided to you.
  • If you are using FZP to download images, click on the Advanced tab and Browse to select which default local directory (read; place on your computer) you’d like to download the images to.
  • You can now click connect and should see the folders and files for your project.
  • Depending on your user permissions, you can now upload or download as needed.
  • To change the number of files FZP will download/upload simultaneously, click Edit > Settings > Transfers and experiment with putting different numbers in the Maximum simultaneous transfers box to see which seems faster with your setup.

When you have connected to the bucket, you’ll see folders for your images. Simply drag and drop your stills into the appropriate folder and they should begin uploading (you can see their progress in the bottom of FileZilla). If you can’t see these folders, please let me know.

If any transfers fail, you’ll see them in the failed transfers tab at the bottom. Simply right-click and add them back into the transfer queue.