Editing multiple tags at a time

If you have an admin or photographer account and you’ve made a typo, or need to change tags in bulk, follow these simple steps. If you have a front-end only account, then skip to here.

  • Navigate to the production you need to alter your tags for.
  • Any obvious tagging errors like spelling mistakes on actors’ names can be found by looking at your list of actors on the production summary page.
  • To correct typos in tags, just click on the three dots in the top right of the production summary page. Simply input the tag you would like to change and what you’d like to update it to.

Image Approvals will then automatically find and change all of these tags so you don’t have to do it manually.

How to change talent tags in bulk on the Image Approvals platform.
Press and + or CNTRL and + to zoom in to Gif. Zoom out again by pressing – instead.

How to add or remove individual actors from specific images.

If you want to add or remove talent from specific images, or do not have an admin or photographer account, then follow these quick steps:

  • Click on a shoot day, and select the image you want to change tags for.
  • Beneath the image you will see an edit icon. Click this and use the drop down box to tag the actors who appear in the image.
  • To remove actor tags, click the bin icon to the right of their name. Remember; removing an actor’s tag will prevent them from seeing this image and it will no longer count in their totals.
Gif demonstrating how to add and remove actor tags from specific images uploaded to Image Approvals.
Press and + or CNTRL and + to zoom in to Gif. Zoom out again by pressing – instead.

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